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Association Between Bitter Taste Receptor Phenotype and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With COVID-19
What is the association between the bitter taste receptor phenotype and outcomes after infection with SARS-CoV-2?
Read the ArticleDoes Phenotypic Expression of Bitter Taste Receptor T2R38 Show Association with COVID-19 Severity?
Does Phenotypic Expression of Bitter Taste Receptor T2R38 Show Association with COVID-19 Severity?
Read the ArticleNasal Endoscopy During COVID-19
Nasal endoscopy is considered the standard of care for appropriate and cost-effective diagnosis and management of sinonasal diseases as it allows for direct visualization of inflammatory, infectious, neoplastic and other complex pathologies.
Read the ArticleNasal saline irrigation: therapeutic or homeopathic
In chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), and many chronic airway conditions, the underlying goal is to restore mucosal function with treatments focused on reducing inflammation, removing bacterial infection (or biofilm) and, critically, replacing lost mucociliary function
Read the ArticleRhinologic Procedures in the Era of COVID-19: Health-care Provider Protection Protocol
A cluster of viral pneumonia cases associated with a novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019 and has rapidly spread around the world, causing a global health crisis.
Read the ArticleLong-term outcomes in medial flap inferior turbinoplasty are superior to submucosal electrocautery and submucosal powered turbinate reduction
Techniques for inferior turbinate reduction vary from complete turbinectomy to limited cauterization. Surgical methods differ on the degree of tissue reduction and reliance on surgical tissue removal vs tissue ablation.
Read the ArticleHow I Do It: Medial Flap Inferior Turbinoplasty
“How I Do It: Medial Flap Inferior Turbinoplasty” is a study of the technique and surgical steps of the preferred method of turbinate reduction. The medial flap inferior turbinoplasty provided consistent, robust results with expected long-term relief of obstructive symptoms without additional risk of complication.
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